Your Literary Guide

Robin Conley

  • Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (Genre Fiction) & Screenwriting
  • Professional Fiction Writing Coach
  • Middle School Writing & Literature Teacher

About the Guide

Robin Conley was born and raised in Michigan, USA, and earned a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English and World Literature from Western Michigan University and a double Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree in Screenwriting and Genre Fiction from Western Colorado University. She has over ten years’ experience working as a professional writer — including as a technical editor and content creator for businesses on the ground and on the web; as a publications editor for books, curriculum, websites, and more; and as a transcriptionist for film and television, including work for the Food Network, HBO, FX, and A&E.  

Ms. Conley has also served as a writing contest judge, and her professional book editing includes ghostwriting for mystery, romance, and fantasy novels. As a writing coach, consultant, and editor for published novelists, short story writers, and award-winning screenwriters, her students and clients have gone on to win awards and become accomplished in their niches.

After spending a few years in Hollywood working as a writing consultant and editor, she’s now traveling the world teaching, editing, and coaching writers while continuing to develop her own projects for publishing.

An Interview With Robin Conley

Coming soon!

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Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Secret Pitch

Dive into the mysterious world of Encyclopedia Brown—where every chapter is a mystery and readers must read closely, observe every detail, and think carefully to discover the answer.

Past Clubs

Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective

Dive into the mysterious world of Encyclopedia Brown—where every chapter is a mystery and readers must read closely, observe every detail, and think carefully to discover the story’s fun and surprising answers.

The Giver

What is a “perfect world?” In Jonas’s home, "perfect" means no pain, no sadness, no loss—and everyone has a role to fulfill, so there’s no suffering or conflict. But is that kind of world good?

Ranger's Apprentice Book 1: The Ruins of Gorlan

As long as he can remember, 15-year-old Will has been ready for his choosing ceremony – he is going to be a knight and attend Battleschool! However, when Will and the other castle wards stand before the school masters, Will’s dreams are quickly shattered… but suddenly, the mysterious Ranger Halt steps forward and whispers in the Baron’s ear.

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