Your Literary Guide
Robin Conley
- Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (Genre Fiction) & Screenwriting
- Professional Fiction Writing Coach
- Middle School Writing & Literature Teacher
About the Guide
Robin Conley was born and raised in Michigan, USA, and earned a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English and World Literature from Western Michigan University and a double Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree in Screenwriting and Genre Fiction from Western Colorado University. She has over ten years’ experience working as a professional writer — including as a technical editor and content creator for businesses on the ground and on the web; as a publications editor for books, curriculum, websites, and more; and as a transcriptionist for film and television, including work for the Food Network, HBO, FX, and A&E.
Ms. Conley has also served as a writing contest judge, and her professional book editing includes ghostwriting for mystery, romance, and fantasy novels. As a writing coach, consultant, and editor for published novelists, short story writers, and award-winning screenwriters, her students and clients have gone on to win awards and become accomplished in their niches.
After spending a few years in Hollywood working as a writing consultant and editor, she’s now traveling the world teaching, editing, and coaching writers while continuing to develop her own projects for publishing.